Jumat, 27 Maret 2009


P: "Jadi, setelah kamu pergi ke sana, bakal balik lagi ke sini, kan? Maksudnya, paling enggak ada pulang ke sini sekali-sekali, kan?"
L: "Enggak..."
P: "Enggak?"
L: "Iya, enggak bisa. Kalo saya meninggalkan tempat itu sebelum lima tahun tinggal di sana, ijin tinggalnya bisa dicabut."
P: "Jadi beneran gitu, paling enggak 5 tahun kamu ga pulang ke sini? Paling enggak 5 tahun kamu ga ketemu saya?"
L: "Iya."
P: Mendadak merasa hati jadi berat.

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009


bangun mandi
pake baju

siap-siap berangkat

sayang-sayang anjing sebelum keluar pager

naik kereta

sampe kantor

cuci muka + dandan

cari sarapan


pulang naik kereta

sampe rumah

ngasih makan anjing

nonton tv/baca


ulang lagi besoknya

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Soundtrack Patah Hati

Sama dengan cinta-cintaan, patah hati juga punya soundtrack. Perlu, buat membangun mood biar tambah berdarah-darah, hehe. Nggak semua cerita patah hati sih yang ada soundtracknya. Tapi sampai sekarang kalo tiba-tiba denger lagunya, masih merinding-merinding gitu.

Can’t Cry Hard Enough

Williams Brothers

I'm gonna live my life

like every days' the last

without a simple goodbye it all goes by so fast

and now that you're gone I can't cry heard enough

I can't cry hard enough

for you to hear me now

gonna open my eyes and see for the first time

I've let go of you like

a child letting go of his kite

There it goes up in the sky

there it goes beyond the clouds

for no reason why

I can't cry hard enough

No, I can't cry hard enoug for you to hear me now

gonna look back in vain and see you standing there

when all that remains

is just an empty chair

and now that you're gone

I can't cry hard enough, I can't cry hard enough

for you to hear me now

There it goes, up in the sky

there it goes beyond the clouds

for no reason why

I can't cry hard enough, no I can't cry hard enough

for you to hear me now

Lagu yang ini mengiringi kesedihan gue putus sama mantan yang pacarannya 8 hari saja! Ck ck ck…

The Scientist


Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry

You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you

Tell you I need you

Tell you I've set you apart

Tell me your secrets

And ask me your questions

Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles

Coming up tails

Heads on the science apart

Nobody said it was easy

It's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing

At numbers and figures

Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science

Science and progress

Do not speak as loud as my heart

Oh tell me you love me

Come back and haunt me

Oh and I rush to the start

Running in circles

Chasing our tails

Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy

Oh, it's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be so hard

I’m going back to the start

Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ah ooh ooh ooh ooh

Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ini waktu putus sama pacar paling lama. Uh, sedihnya banget banget bangeeet! Apalagi waktu itu drama sekali, pas acara putusnya sambil dengerin lagu ini. Hhhh…berdaraaaaaah!

Sekarang, lagu untuk mantan yang begitu menyakitinya, sampe soundtracknya 2 lagu buat satu orang doang, hehehe…

Without You I’m Nothing


Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide.

I'll take it by your side.

Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide.

I'll take it by your side.

Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies.

I'll take it by your side.

Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide.

I'll take it by your side.

tick - tock x3

tick - tick - tick - tick - tick - tock

I'm unclean, a libertine

And every time you vent your spleen,

I seem to lose the power of speech,

You're slipping slowly from my reach.

You grow me like an evergreen,

You've never seen the lonely me at all


Take the plan, spin it sideways.



Without you, I'm nothing.

Without you, I'm nothing.

Without you, I'm nothing.

Take the plan, spin it sideways.



Nat King Cole

And now the purple dusk of twilight time

Steals across the meadows of my heart

High up in the sky the little stars climb

Always reminding me that we're apart

You wander down the lane and far away

Leaving me a song that will not die

Love is now the stardust of yesterday

The music of the years gone by

Sometimes I wonder why I spend

The lonely night dreaming of a song

The melody haunts my reverie

And I am once again with you

When our love was new

And each kiss an inspiration

But that was long ago

Now my consolation

Is in the stardust of a song

Beside a garden wall

When stars are bright

You are in my arms

The nightingale tells his fairy tale

of paradise where roses grew

Though I dream in vain

In my heart it will remain

My stardust melody

The memory of love's refrain


Kenapa ada mantan yang pake soundtrack dan ada yang enggak, tidak bisa dijelaskan.

Kemungkinan besar gue udah lupa…

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Pacar Masa Kecil

Ketemu mantan pacar di FB. Udah lama banget hilang dari peredaran hidup gue. Lucu deh, jadi inget jaman dulu. Sekarang dia udah jadi dokter, sesuai cita-cita dia dulu. Hebaaaat!

Dia itu pacar paliiiiiiiiiing baik yang pernah gue temui. Ya ampun, baik banget deh pokoknya! Bener-bener ga ada sisi jahatnya sedikit pun. Mamah aja sayang sama dia. Setiap kali dia dateng ke rumah, pasti sama Mamah langsung dibikinin makanan. Trus kalo gue lupa nawarin minum, gue diomelin.

Karena dia pinter, sering banget gue minta bikinin PR, hehehe. Terutama PR Fisika, Kimia, sama Matematika. Kebetulan juga pas kelas 3 SMA dia masuk jurusan IPA. Uh, manja deh gue!

Kita putusnya ga enak... gue sih yang bikin ga enak. Terus sejak lulus SMA dan dia kuliah di Bandung, bener-bener jadi putus hubungan. Apalagi saat itu gue udah punya pacar baru. Lalu belakangan gue denger kalo keluarganya pindah semua ke Bandung. Ya udah, makin jauh aja. Setiap kali inget-inget dia, pasti gue senyum. Karena bener-bener ga ada kenangan buruk tentang dia. Kalo diinget-inget, emang gue yang jahat sekali sama dia. Huhuhu...kecian.

Waktu denger dia diterima di fakultas kedokteran gue seneng banget! Dulu waktu masih pacaran, kami berdua suka ngomongin mau jadi apa nanti kalo udah besar. Dia memang udah pengin jadi dokter, dan gue waktu itu penginnya kuliah psikologi. Ternyata cuma dia yang berhasil ngejalanin cita-citanya. Hebat kamu, Baaaan!

Two of Us

Two of us riding nowhere
Spending someone's

Hard earned pay

You and me Sunday driving

Not arriving

On our way back home

We're on our way home

We're on our way home

We're going home

Two of us sending postcards

Writing letters

On my wall

You and me burning matches

Lifting latches

On our way back home

We're on our way home

We're on our way home

We're going home

You and I have memories

Longer than the road that stretches out ahead

Two of us wearing raincoats

Standing so low

In the sun

You and me chasing paper

Getting nowhere

On our way back home

We're on our way home

We're on our way home

We're going home

You and I have memories

Longer than the road that stretches out ahead

Two of us wearing raincoats

Standing solo

In the sun

You and me chasing paper

Getting nowhere

On our way back home

We're on our way home

We're on our way home

We're going home

We're going home

Better believe it

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

I'm always lost for words
someone mentions your name.
I know that I'll get over this for sure

I'm not the type who dreams there could be more


I suppose that you'll be leaving
but I want you to know

Part of you stays with me even after you go

(part of
You Were There by Southern Sons)

You know who you are

dan kamu tau banget perasaan saya. Nggak mungkin nggak meninggalkan bekas, karena udah terlalu lama. Udah kelamaan ada nama kamu di dalamnya, dan sudah menyesuaikan diri dengan bentuk nama itu. Kalo namanya diambil...seperti yang saya bilang, nggak mungkin nggak meninggalkan bekas.
Dan asal kamu tau aja, I am still lost for words everytime someone mentions your name.
Sekarang, kita melanjutkan hidup masing-masing. Membuat keputusan-keputusan orang dewasa, karena seperti kata orang-orang, kita sudah dewasa.
Saya senang dengan hidup saya sekarang, dan saya berdoa semoga kamu juga. Mendengar kamu membuat keputusan besar tanpa pikir panjang, membuat saya kawatir. Tapi saya mengerti, kamu pasti yakin dengan diri kamu sendiri.
Tapi, akan selalu ada pojok kecil di hati saya, yang selalu tersedia buat kamu isi. Maaf saja kalau hanya kecil, karena yang besar sudah kujatahkan ke yang lain. Saya yakin kita berdua akan terus hidup di pojokan kecil itu. Dalam waktu yang kita bekukan. Hidup selama saya hidup.
